Learning to Clean Like The Pro's

A few years ago, I realized that I didn't really know how to keep my house clean. There were always dishes sitting in the sink, and I couldn't keep up with laundry if my life depended on it. However, a friend of mine suggested working with a professional maid, and so I took her advice. As she worked, I watched her methods, and I learned a lot. This blog is dedicated to my cleaning studies. Here, you will find information on how to clean your house more effectively, so that you can stop wasting time on certain jobs. My plan is that this website could help you to live better than ever. Thanks for reading!

Do Those After-Shower Cleaners Really Work?


Over the past several years, after-shower cleaners have become more common in bathrooms around the country as people try to stop soap scum and mildew from building up and making their nice tile look grungy. The intent is good; soap scum and mildew are tough to fight. But are these after-shower cleaners worth the time and money?

It's Better Than Nothing

An after-shower cleaner -- usually a concoction of simple ingredients that loosen soap residue and make the surface of a shower stall less hospitable to mildew -- is certainly better than nothing. You could do worse than place a film of vinegar- or ammonia-based cleaner all over the tile. By adding the after-shower cleaner, you're providing at least a basic level of care.

But That's Only One Part

The problem is that many people stop there. They spray the cleaner on the tile and expect it to work like magic. What you really have to do in addition to spraying is to squeegee leftover water off the walls and doors of the shower stall, spray the cleaner, and then wipe it off. That's a lot of activity after a shower that just got you nice and clean.

You also have to keep cleaning your shower regularly, just as you would if you weren't using the cleaner. If you don't, you can still get buildups of dirt and mildew on spots you missed with the cleaner.

You also have to re-evaluate the personal-care products you use. Bar soap can leave more soap residue that hardens into scum. Liquid soap is better, but not always; for example, Castile soap can leave some residue behind, too.

Ventilation is another big issue. You'll be fighting a losing battle even with that after-shower cleaner if you have terrible ventilation in the bathroom when you take a shower. After you turn off the water, the resulting humidity can cause condensation on the walls and tile, leaving a layer of bacteria- and fungi-friendly moisture. The after-shower cleaner can cut through that, too, but the moisture makes it harder to fight the pathogens. Remember, that moisture is suspended in the air. Even if you squeegee off all the extra water after your shower, more water can condense onto the tiles from the humid air.

It may help quite a bit to have a bathroom tile cleaning service go to work on the tiles in your shower. By getting the tiles really clean -- and then resealing the grout as needed -- you can add an extra layer of protection against soap scum and mildew buildup.


27 May 2018