Learning to Clean Like The Pro's

A few years ago, I realized that I didn't really know how to keep my house clean. There were always dishes sitting in the sink, and I couldn't keep up with laundry if my life depended on it. However, a friend of mine suggested working with a professional maid, and so I took her advice. As she worked, I watched her methods, and I learned a lot. This blog is dedicated to my cleaning studies. Here, you will find information on how to clean your house more effectively, so that you can stop wasting time on certain jobs. My plan is that this website could help you to live better than ever. Thanks for reading!

Thinking About Replacing Your Vacuum Cleaner? 2 Things You Should Check For First


Few things are more frustrating than a vacuum cleaner that refuses to cooperate. You might find yourself going over the same sections of carpeting time after time, or trying to figure out why your once-pristine vacuum loses suction so quickly. However, before you toss that vacuum and replace it with a newer version, you should check for these two things first:

1: A Wrapped Beater Bar

That rotating brush at the front of your vacuum cleaner might leave behind attractive vacuum marks on your carpet, but believe it or not, it serves a more important purpose. The beater bar is also responsible for flicking dust bunnies, food particles, and other grime into the suction area—so that your vacuum can remove them from your carpet. Unfortunately, if this bar isn't moving properly, it might seem like your vacuum has lost suction—when it really hasn't.

Before you lose all faith in your vacuum cleaner, unplug that device, flip it over, and carefully inspect your beater bar. Look for bars wrapped with hair, string, or carpet fibers. Using a sharp pair of scissors, cut away any strands that might be keeping the bar from moving. After your bar is clean, turn your vacuum on like normal. You might notice that your vacuum combs your carpet a little more effectively.

2: Internal Clogs

If your beater bar is free and clear, but your vacuum still doesn't seem responsive, you might need to check for internal clogs. Some vacuums contain see-through hoses so that you can easily spot accumulations and remove them. However, it your vacuum doesn't, turn on your vacuum and use your hand to check the suction levels around your vacuum.

Run your hand along the hose, and then test the suction power of the main vacuum motor by sprinkling a little flour on a tile floor and then trying to remove it. If the flour stays put, you might have a clog between the intake area and your bag. Also, check your dust collection container or bag to see if there is a clog between the containment area and the hose.

If you can't access the clog, don't hesitate to take your vacuum cleaner to a professional repair shop. Experts can easily disassemble your vacuum, clean out the interior, and put everything back together.

By knowing how to troubleshoot your vacuum cleaner, you might be able to fend off cleaning frustrations and save a little money. Contact a local repair service, like Everett Vacuum LLC, for more help.


4 November 2015