Learning to Clean Like The Pro's

A few years ago, I realized that I didn't really know how to keep my house clean. There were always dishes sitting in the sink, and I couldn't keep up with laundry if my life depended on it. However, a friend of mine suggested working with a professional maid, and so I took her advice. As she worked, I watched her methods, and I learned a lot. This blog is dedicated to my cleaning studies. Here, you will find information on how to clean your house more effectively, so that you can stop wasting time on certain jobs. My plan is that this website could help you to live better than ever. Thanks for reading!

Stay Safe: Precautions To Take When Your Home Has Been Flooded


Whether your home has been flooded because there has been too much rain, or you have a broken pipe in your basement that caused severe flooding, you need to get the water removed quickly to avoid significant damage. Before emergency help can arrive to clean up the mess, there are a number of precautions you can take to minimize the damage to your home. 

Stop the Water at Its Source

If possible turn off the water that is causing the flooding in your home. While this is not always possible in the case of rain seeping in through your basement, look for the source of water and see if you can stop further water from entering your home. Your home has a main water valve. If you are not sure what the source of the water is, turn off the main water valve to see if that helps.

Make Sure the Electricity is Off in the Area

If it is safe to turn off the electricity to the area, turn off the circuit breaker. Water conducts electricity, and if there are any small, plugged in electronics or lamps in the flood area, you are at risk for an electrical shock if you touch the water. Turn off the electricity and then unplug any items that are currently plugged in. If you are not sure how to turn off the electricity, wait for help to arrive.

When your home has been flooded, you can also take the following precautions to minimize damage:

  • Don't walk on any wet carpeting.
  • Remove any furniture that is either wet or at risk of getting wet.
  • If the flood is in a bedroom, check under the bed for any valuables that need to be saved from water damage.
  • Put away any valuables in a safe place.
  • As you wait for the cleaning crew, prepare an area where your belongings can be placed as they work on your home.

Water that is not removed properly can cause all kinds of problems in your home. Even tiny amounts of water left in your carpeting can create a breeding ground for harmful mold and mildew to grow. Left untreated, mold and mildew growth can cause breathing difficulties for those living in your home. It's important to have water removed quickly from your home, and only a trained professional will be able to get the job done right. 

When you have water damage, call in a professional company (such as Walker's Carpet Care & Janitorial Services Inc) to take care of the problem.


20 October 2015