Learning to Clean Like The Pro's

A few years ago, I realized that I didn't really know how to keep my house clean. There were always dishes sitting in the sink, and I couldn't keep up with laundry if my life depended on it. However, a friend of mine suggested working with a professional maid, and so I took her advice. As she worked, I watched her methods, and I learned a lot. This blog is dedicated to my cleaning studies. Here, you will find information on how to clean your house more effectively, so that you can stop wasting time on certain jobs. My plan is that this website could help you to live better than ever. Thanks for reading!

Painting the Straightest Lines on Textured Drywall


Painting textured drywall is a great DIY project. You can easily update the style of any room with a simple paint job. Drywall is one of the easiest materials to paint. However, there is one tricky part... painting the edges and lines on textured drywall. The texture (even if it is subtle) can make it difficult to paint clean, straight lines. Unfortunately, if your lines are not straight, your entire paint job will look less professional. Here is a helpful trick for getting the straightest and cleanest lines when painting interior drywall surface.

Why Tape Doesn't Always Work

Taping, even if you use painter's tape, does not always do the job by itself. Textured drywall has small crevices that create gaps and air pockets underneath the tape line. This is where the paint usually seeps through. If you just paint directly over the tape line, you will have a splotchy line when you pull the tape off. This is why you need to take an extra measure to ensure your lines are cleaner.

Using Light Spackle Paste

The best way to get straight lines is to reinforce the tape with lightweight spackle. First, tape off your walls like you normally would. Make sure you push down the tape very firmly. To make sure you push the tape down within the crevices use a softer material like cloth or jersey cotton (ie T-shirt). This will create a stronger seal with the wall. Now, get out the spackle paste. Using a latex glove, spread the spackle over the tape line. Spread the spackle as thinly as possible. You do not want any spackle buildup along the tapeline. Also, you don't want to alter the surface of the wall. You just want to spackle to fill in the invisible but inevitable gaps underneath the tape line.

Once the spackle is applied you can paint almost immediately. Since the spackle is spread so thinly, it will dry very quickly. When you peel the tape away, you should notice straight, clean lines.

All in all, this technique will double the amount of time it takes to tape off your walls. But, it is well worth spending the extra time on your lines. Once the tape is applied and spackled you can assuredly slop paint over the line, without fear of it seeping underneath. It is the best way to ensure your paint job looks professional. If you're looking for a painting contractor to paint for you instead, visit Lindas Country Cleaners.


30 September 2015